[vimeo 95163659 w=500 h=281]
Bike gear is exciting! Even the smallest bike product can turn an otherwise reasonable and measured person into a starry eyed fool whose wallet spews forth cash as if it’s paying a ransom for the return of a loved one. This is an extreme example of what marketing types call conversion. You see it happen day after day in your store but what about on your website? Video is the best way to drive conversions according to 70% of consumers.*
While production value drives Hollywood ticket sales, product focus drives sales of your products. Best of all, you can use almost any video device to provide a 3rd dimension: the tactile, auditory and subliminal information that let’s your customer imagine that they own that bike product. And once they imagine they own the device, its sale will follow.
You know your products better than anyone else. Create your own YouTube or Vimeo channel to add individual personality and SEO value to your most valuable products. As long as you address what the consumer needs to know in order to buy the product, you’ll have a successful video.
You can leverage the value of video even further by highlighting professionally produced videos by your manufacturers and by SmartEtailing’s Content Team. Our Content Team produces 100s of videos every year like the one that you see above.
And video isn’t just for product marketing. Next time the group ride rolls out from the store, record it. A 30 second YouTube clip or even a 6 second Vine could be the thing that motivates someone to show up for the next ride. Got a mechanic with a gift for explaining how she does things? Put the camera on her while she explains what is included in a tune up and add it to your Service Department Page. Video works. Video is easy. You can do it and profit from it.
*Based on MultiChannel Merchant.com 7/2013 study
by Mark Still, Brian Rawlings, Will Calkins