2019 Summer Sale Direct Mail Now Available

1 min read
May 31, 2019 10:12:03 AM

Selling season is here and direct mail is a great way to really jump start things at the bike shop. Show up in your customer's mailbox and we don't mean just their e-mail inbox. SmartEtailing's full service marketing agency is ready to partner with you on a direct mail campaign. After a slow winter it is time to really get things moving and start driving traffic to your store. 

How does it work?

The SmartEtailing marketing team does the strategic thinking and creative work for you. If you are interested in using our direct mail service then you can trust that we'll be here to help you identify the right customers to target, set an appropriate budget, and advise you on how to customize a design to help you achieve your business goals. We have paper mailers that can include coupon offers and we also have plastic mailers with a detachable gift card or coupon. The plastic mailers have shown the highest redemption rate and best ROI.

Even though so much of your business and ours is digital, we encourage you to consider whether a small investment in direct mail can help you move through your aging inventory even faster than a purely digital strategy.

Orders due by June 10th to be in homes by July 1st!

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