SmartEtailing Volunteers Build Team & Community
Through Teamwork, SmartEtailing Gives Back to the Community
We believe that volunteering is a great way to have fun while making positive contributions to our communities. Through SmartEtailing’s Volunteer Allowance Program, each employee is eligible to use up to 12 paid hours per year to participate in volunteer activities.
These events serve as excellent team building exercises and are great opportunities to get out of the office and make our community a better place to live! In the last year, team members from our Boulder, CO office provided more than 150 hours of service to various non-profit organizations in our area. Would you like to join our team? Browse our current open positions.
Trail Building with Boulder Mountainbike Alliance
Last fall, we helped our local IMBA chapter, Boulder Mountainbike Alliance, build a new trail at a nearby summer camp. Fifteen volunteers spent half a day building rock gardens and drainage features, cutting new trail, and reseeding diverted trail so that kids at the camp will be able to try out mountain biking and develop their skills this summer.
Repairing Kids’ Bikes with Community Cycles
Drawing on the talents of our many former bike mechanics, we also collaborated with Community Cycles, a community-driven local bike shop, to repair donated children’s bikes which were then distributed to kids in need during the holiday season. Community Cycles promotes, educates, and advocates for the safe use of bicycles for transportation - visit their website to learn how you can get involved.
Playing with Puppies at the Humane Society
If you’ve seen SmartEtailing’s Instagram, our love of dogs is apparent. So, opportunities to volunteer with the local Humane Society are always popular (puppers!). To-date, we’ve visited the Longmont Humane Society on two occasions, and Liam, our Content Department Manager, even went home with a new furry friend. If you love puppies as much as we do, volunteer with us next time and follow @smartetailing_solutions on Instagram to see all of our four-legged office companions.
Keeping Our Roads Clean with CDOT
As a company full of cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts, we all enjoy seeing clean, trash-free roadways on our rides. We’ve partnered with the Colorado DOT’s Adopt-A-Highway program, committing to keeping a section of highway located near our office litter-free. At our first clean-up day, we collected over 30 bags of trash.
Our Expansive Team Reach
Our remote staff also use their volunteer hours to give back to their local communities. They’ve donated their time to organizing bike races like the Bailey Hundo and volunteering for cycling clubs such as the Rocky Mountain Cycling Club and Cycling KC.
These volunteer events are a chance to get to know our co-workers outside of the office, build a stronger team, and bring that team spirit back to the office. These shared experiences keep us connected and engaged with our local communities and with each other.
Up next? Helping Boulder Parks and Rec do some landscaping work at Valmont Bike Park. Keep up with our crew by following us on Instagram or Facebook!
Interested in joining our team? We are growing! Look at the current positions we are hiring for.

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