FREE Buy Local Now Retailer Inventory Listings

2 min read
Aug 30, 2016 9:08:14 PM


Buy Local Now™ is a real-time product sourcing technology provided by SmartEtailing that connects ready-to-buy consumers at brand websites with local stocking retailers. It offers consumers same-day product availability and enables the specialty channel to compete more effectively with national chains and Amazon.


Up until now, retailers with a free Buy Local Now™ listing only appeared as an authorized dealer on brand websites, but inventory availablity wasn't displayed. If a retailer wanted to display their store inventory on one of the over 70 participating brand websites there was a monthly fee.

Starting October 1, 2016, we are removing that fee so that Buy Local Now™ can grow into an even more powerful tool for empowering local retailers.

Don't miss out on this exciting new way for your business to convert consumer traffic on brand websites into traffic for your store and website.


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This powerful tool works because it takes your store and inventory information to the places where a consumer is researching purchases.

80% of consumers research their purchases online. Millions of these consumers start their shopping at brand websites rather than retailer websites. As consumers browse products on a brand site and develop a preference for specific models, Buy Local Now™ enables a brand's website to easily refer consumers to local retailers stocking the item in order to make a purchase.

The traditional "Find a Retailer" link is a good first step for brands, but consumers have become accustomed to real-time status and single-click convenience. Consumers don't want to contact multiple retailers to check availability.

A Buy Local Now™ button on a brand's website shows consumers immediate local availability and guides them to make a local purchase.

Consumers can instantly see which local retailers have the product they want. The consumer is empowered with information and the brand/retailer partnership is optimized. 

Buy Local Now™ makes it quick and easy for consumers to go from research to local purchase. Try it yourself on the Park Tool website. Just click the "WHERE TO BUY" button and see the customized Buy Local Now™ tool in action.


There have been OVER 4 MILLION consumers referred from brand websites to local retailers as a result of the powerful functionality of Buy Local Now™.

Retailers with a SmartEtailing website that already use our POS Sync and Supplier Sync options are automatically included in Buy Local Now™ referrals. 

You don't need to have a SmartEtailing website to participate. All local specialty bike retailers can register for a Buy Local Now™ account to self manage the store listing. In addition, stores may elect to enroll in our POS Sync and/or Supplier Sync options in order to gain more referrals based on in-stock and/or in-warehouse inventory availability.

This service is FREE. No strings attached. No trial period. Just FREE. SmartEtailing is committed to the health and profitability of the specialty retail channel and we believe that Buy Local Now™ can make a meaningful impact on your store's bottom line.

There are already 1,300 independent bicycle retailers contributing to the Buy Local Now™ network. If you want to be a part of this emerging technology then sign up today! 

Your business can capitalize on this highly effective tool for referring likely buyers to your store.

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