Two Effective Ways to Increase Average Online Order Value

2 min read
Aug 28, 2017 10:53:48 AM


For many of our clients, the primary benefit of a SmartEtailing website is to help inform customers and improve in-store traffic and sales. But retailers are increasingly seeing the opportunity to grow online sales from their SmartEtailing website as well.

If you are looking to increase your online sales, try these powerful methods to increase your average order value. 

Bigger Tickets, Bigger Profits

Increasing online sales is not only a function of the volume of online orders but also the size of each order. Just like in the store, suggestive selling is one of the most effective ways to generate larger orders.

Your SmartEtailing website presents opportunities to guide customers each time they order from your business. These helpful suggestions can drive larger orders and improve customer engagement.

Today we look at two of the most strategically significant locations to help your customers find more of what they want when shopping your website: the Shopping Cart Page Message and Order Confirmation Page Message.

You can modify each message to encourage increased order value; these messages are ideal for communicating with the customer during and immediately following the buying process. The editing function is located in Commerce Manager > Catalog Settings.

Commerce Manager Settings

Shopping Cart Page Message

When a customer finds the item they want on your website and places it into the shopping cart, you have a prime opportunity to communicate with them via the Shopping Cart Page Message, which displays below the header and above the contents of the cart.

Consider the mindset of the customer at this point. They are already in buying mode and, similar to an in-store customer, receptive to suggestions and reminders.

What to put in the Shopping Cart Page Message:

  • Link to closeouts or specials section
  • Free shipping information plus home delivery & in-store pickup
  • Loyalty program, team and/or buyer’s club memberships
  • Coupon code for seasonally relevant category

Order Confirmation Page Message

The Order Confirmation Page is what the customer sees immediately after submitting an order. Besides setting expectations for the customer about processing and fulfillment, it is an excellent time to encourage them to buy from you again and remind them that you value their patronage. The Order Confirmation Page Message is an effective way to accomplish this.

What to put in the Order Confirmation Page Message:

  • Email sign-up link
  • “Forget something?” message - Give customers the option to add something they forgot
  • Coupons or discount codes for their next purchase
  • Sales happening soon - “Don’t miss our Labor Day Sale Now - September 4th!”


Using the Shopping Cart Page and Order Confirmation Page messages to help your customers find more of what they want can help generate bigger tickets. Be sure to keep the content in these areas fresh, especially if it is seasonal.

If you need help with these areas of the website, please contact SmartEtailing Support.


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