Facebook and Your Website

1 min read
Jul 18, 2014 8:13:00 AM

by Rich Holland

Some merchants believe Facebook is so important they devote more time to their Facebook page than their store’s website. Stop and think about one simple reality – what makes you money? Do you benefit more from a customer’s visit to your Facebook page or a visit to your specialty retail store? The answer seems pretty obvious, yet some retailers continue to focus more on “likes” than getting customers in the store or on the store’s website.

Facebook is an incredibly effective social media tool. The key is to maximize your time on Facebook and turn those likes into dollar signs. If you are a specialty retailer with a website, it’s hard to imagine a single time you would ever make a post on Facebook that did not contain a link back to your store’s site.

It’s as easy as copying and pasting the URL from the address bar at the top of your site’s web page into your Facebook post. At the very least the link can be to your home page. Even better the link will lead your customers to a specific page that either entices them into the store, such as a sale or special event, or directly to a buying opportunity for a product that relates to your original Facebook post.
Even if you are “sharing” a post from someone else’s site, for example a non-profit organization that promotes your store’s values, use the Comment section to make an appropriate comment and then link back to your store’s website.

Remember, you are going onto Facebook to post interesting things about your store, your events, your promotions, your products and your staff that make your specialty business different from you competitors – and well worth a visit.

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