January 2019 News & Notes

2 min read
Jan 4, 2019 2:00:00 PM

SmartEtailing News

Read the latest updates from all the teams and departments at SmartEtailing. Each month our team is working tirelessly to get your website and tools working as efficiently for you as possible. 

Client Services Updates

January doesn't have to mean "Clearance Sale"

This time of year can be tough in the bike industry, depending on what part of the country you are in. Rather than slashing prices across the board, consider using Discount Codes. Select the option for new online customers only, or send targeted emails to groups of current customers. Here are some ideas to consider:
  • Customers with recent purchases -"Thanks for buying a bike from us, here's 15% off your next accessory purchase"
  • Customers who spent more than $XXX last year - "Wow, We wouldn't be here without awesome customers like you! Please take 15% of your next online purchase as a thank you for being a loyal customer"
  • Customers who attended a demo or event you hosted - "Thanks for attending our event, enjoy $15 off your next purchase of 'brand name here' with the discount code demobrandx"

Take time to review & update your website

When business is slower you have time to plan for the busy season. Take a look at your website. Does your home page direct people to the different areas of your business? Have you got pages for those important parts of your business- service, bike fit, rentals, local group rides? Are your current service rates reflected? Research shows that getting local traffic to your website can increase foot traffic and in store sales. Make sure you are giving your online visitors reasons to come in and see you in person. A good-looking, content-rich site conveys to site visitors that you know what you’re talking about, can be relied on, and have experts on staff that can help. If you want other ideas for your site, or for better search engine optimization contact our client services team.

We've created new pages just for responsive templates, so be sure to look at the New! folders at the top of the list in Content Manager > Page Editor > Page Library. Now is the time to get the site updated with new content to be ready for the spring selling season. Utilize page start and end dates to help keep the site relevant with pages like Valentine's Day Gift Ideas showing up and going away at the right times.
Tip: Start dates start at the beginning of the day, and end dates end at the end of the day. So if you want to show a page on Monday the first and Tuesday the second, those are the dates you need to enter.

Content Updates

Brands with recent additions to the catalog

Our team of content experts are constantly adding new catalog items to the SmartEtailing Library. In the last 30 days, we have entered new content from the following brands and more:

  • All-City
  • Bontrager
  • Breezer
  • Burley
  • CamelBak
  • Campagnolo
  • Cannondale
  • Continental
  • Del Sol
  • Easton
  • Giant
  • Kestrel
  • Kona
  • Liv
  • Masi
  • NiteRider
  • Norco
  • Outdoor Research
  • Pivot Cycles
  • Race Face
  • Schwinn
  • Scott
  • Specialized
  • Surly
  • Swiftwick
  • Syncros
  • Trek
  • Yakima

Stay current with newly available and upcoming brands on the home page Update Center in the back end of your SmartEtailing website.

Marketing Updates

Free marketing asset additions

New homepage highlights and landing pages are always in the works. Recently, we've added the following new content to the marketing Library.

Need help installing new content? Reach out to our support team for assistance. 


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